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PB1A - Anti-Smoking Advertisements

The advertisement I picked is a young male smoking a cigarette, with the smoke trail that shapes a firearm pointed at males head. At the bottom of the picture it reads, "Kill a Cigarette and Save a life. Yours." Another picture has the male smoking a cigarette with the fumes resembling a deadly scull. Furthermore, a girl is smoking a cigarette with a smoke noose that hangs around her. The advertisement shows and uses rhetorical features, through this, the picture ensures that smoking poses a dangerous threat to human beings. The picture implies to both nonsmokers and smokers, the picture can either present a scathing impact on people or they won’t have an effect on people. To smokers, the picture will be an indication of the mischief they are doing to their bodies. However, generally, they will probably be not interested in the picture since they definitely know it's terrible for their wellbeing, and will keep on smoking since they are either dependent or are only emotionless to the circumstance. They may even discover advertisements, for example, this unpalatable and predictable on the grounds that they feel as though it's tedious and an individual assault on them and their perspectives and propensities. Since smoking is viewed in that capacity an awful thing in U.S. society, they may confine themselves from promotions that repudiate what they accept is alright. The primary logical interest, logos, is utilized in this picture. The significant preface is that smoking is terrible for your wellbeing. In numerous current nations, this is general information. Any individual, when asked, would state the same. This is particularly valid in Northern American culture, as smoking is for the most part observed as harming and negative, dissimilar to in past decades, where smoking was acknowledged and even empowered all through society. The last logical interest, tenderness, additionally becomes an integral factor in the promotion. The high contrast of the picture makes a complete yes or no circumstance by suggesting that the choice to smoke or not is a last chance choice. The young fellow is gazing straight into the camera with a nonpartisan demeanor all over, which makes the picture and thought of demise more individual to the watcher. The smoke that is framing the firearm claims to the feelings in a few different ways. It instantly catches the gathering of people's eye, since weapons are definitely not just perilous, however a questionable subject in American culture. The smoke weapon is too suggestive of suicide. It's colloquialism that in the event that somebody smokes, they should point a weapon at their own particular head. This makes the watcher be shocked the young fellow is obviously going to be the reason for his own particular demise. Suicides are appalling events, yet additionally a hotly debated issue in popular culture: the gathering of people feels a dull yet fascinating sense when the say of somebody finishing their own life is raised. This picture of the man with the tobacco smoke weapon pointed at his head utilizes the utilization of ethos, logos, and poignancy through its shading and dubious message. Despite the fact that debilitated by its preference and incapable situation of words, the basic message that smoking is unsafe to one's wellbeing still demonstrates its point in Ashcraft's picture. Smoking is exceptionally pervasive all through the world, yet so are hostile to smoking notices. This contradiction of belief systems is the fuel to the ceaseless fight amongst smokers and the media.


  1. I really like the topic that you used relating to the genre because it is such a common thing for people to smoke. The advertisements that you used and compared were really interesting to look at. What was also different was that the advertisements did not need words to get its message across unlike other advertisements. I also like how you went into detail about how it impacts smokers and non smokes and tying it in with the culture. Also very good detail about the way the pictures are presented. Overall this was well written, good job!

  2. Yo Connor, while I was thinking about what topic to write about for my PB1A, I never would've thought of this. It's a super out of the box idea that requires a lot of focus to connect the dots to rhetorical features. I think that it was smart to choose the examples that you did, that way you could use critical thinking to come up with a deeper meaning of smokers in todays society. Also, good job of relating ethos and logos into your explanation, I didn't see too many people doing that :)

  3. Your post was very analytical in nature, which is something I as a reader tend to have more interest in. However, I think for this assignment you may have digressed a little. I would have enjoyed to hear what you had originally assumed would be depicted in all of these advertisements (i.e the use of the word death, black and white colors (font), sickness, smoke, eerie lexicon, etc.). If you could use your steady analytical techniques to predict what you expected and then reflect about what actually occurred it would have been a little more straightforward in comparison to the other dissections of a genre. Although off topic, this response is written very well and you seem to have done more than enough research to prove your argument.

  4. I think the the topic of smoking be harmful is great, and I can relate to this topic because I have many smokers in my life. I like that you talked about smokers maybe ignoring ads because they already know how bad it is for them because they are so dependent on smoking, which is true based. Many of the smokers in my life continue to smoke as a coping mechanism despite knowing it's bad for their health, landline you said much of society at his point is against smoking.

  5. Wow I really love this topic! I would've probably talked about but you already did and basically explained everything so perfectly. I really like this topic because even though there's commercials, banner, etc... talking about how smoking is bad they just don't care and will continue to until they become ill. I have people in my family who know that smoking is bad but they continue to do so because they just don't care even with all the signs right in front of them to stop.


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