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My annotations:
]- in the enclosed bracket, I will write a brief overview of the contents
  • - jot down facts about the specific line or paragraph
_- key facts and information about the subject

?- a question that I might have

^- my thoughts about the line/paragraph aka adding my own comment

*- lines that really stands out

Classmates annotations:
  • Different colors for different subjects/topics
  • Circling a word to pull away main points
  • star good quotes
  • +/- for pro/cons of statements and comparisons
  • :( something that confuses me more than what I originally was
  • <3 for a word that they liked
What I learned:
Me and my classmates have very similar techniques on annotations. Many of which are different symbols but are used the same way that I would use them. The different uses of annotation allows the reader to interpret the article a little more clearer to their liking. I think it is very important to annotate to also grab the best information from the article.


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